Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ramadan Activities

This year we decided to do a Ramadan Wall to teach our younger kids about Ramadan. We wanted to make it something they would learn from and be able to use daily. They seem to be enjoying it mashallah! Full view of our Ramadan Bulletin Board!
Things that break the fast mobile.
The thirty parts of the Quran.
Calendar for Ramadan so the kids can count down the days! Someone
wiped the checks off.
A fasting day "wheel", the top part turns and goes through the cycle
of a day of fasting.
The dua (supplication/pray) we say when we break our fast.
Proof from the Quran for fasting the month of Ramadan.
This is a chart to keep track of the days our household fasted.
We were traveling from the US on the first two days so some of us
have to make those days up!
Right side view!
Full view, sort of looks like a masjid, maybe I'll add a minarat!
Inshallah we have a coffee table that I will put under the board
so the kids can put their 'ramadan crafts' on it.
Thanks to:
for their wonderful resources mashallah!


Umm Abdul Basir said...

s Salaamu Alaykum, Masha Allah sis! NIce board, Alhamdulilah! Glad you found use of Ibb's & Tjramadan's files! Wonderful! May Allah make your Ramadan a beneficial one, Ameen!

UmmSaalihah said...

AsalamuAlaykum, Very nice mashallah. May Allah make us and our children collect lots of reward in ramadaan. Wasalaam